As a leading North American manufacturer of blown films, we feel it is our duty to constantly push the boundaries of sustainability when it comes to our products and practices. In an effort to bolster our already substantial recyclable film portfolio, the IEF team is proud to announce the launch of our new InteGreen™ Store Drop-off Recycle-Ready Barrier Films.
The film is a co-extruded structure made with EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol) compatibilizers that allow for recycling via Store Drop-off. It is designed for applications that require both high oxygen and moisture barriers, and is available in both clear and white versions.
The film has been prequalified by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s How2Recycle® with a Store Drop-off label, allowing consumers to easily return clean and dry packages to participating Store Drop-off locations to be recycled (note that the final package’s How2Recycle label may change due to product application and other factors, and any brands interested in using the label must be a member with How2Recycle).
Double the Benefits
Barrier films are necessary in a variety of applications, most notably food packaging. They are designed keep gas and moisture out, extending a product’s shelf life while maintaining appearance and overall quality. Traditional plastic barrier films already play a key role in reducing food waste – a lesser talked about environmental hazard. When spoiled food finds its way to landfills, they create mass amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, while also creating more opportunities for harmful environmental leakage. Additionally, the water used in the production of the wasted products goes to waste.
The introduction of Store Drop-off Recycle-Ready barrier films addresses two environmental issues in one: unnecessary food waste is prevented, and we are able to move one step closer to a true circular economy with Store Drop-off recyclable plastic products.
If you’d like technical data on our new InteGreen™ Store Drop-off Recycle-Ready Barrier Films, be sure to reach out to your local IEF representative today. Contact us by clicking here.
About InteGreen™
Launched in late 2020, InteGreen™ represents IEF’s family of sustainable plastic films. The current InteGreen™ portfolio is comprised of four categories, including films made with post-consumer and post-industrial recycled resins, bio-based materials, store drop-off Recycle-Ready films, and home and industrial compostable films. Our InteGreen™ portfolio is constantly growing, and we are currently looking into expanding our Recycle-Ready selection to include additional materials, such as Nylon. To learn more about InteGreen™, click here.
Published August 2021